连续全球丢包一个礼拜,传个文件都一直失败,看样子官方也不管了 给客服反应了,也给我重启检查了,然后就回了个这玩意,我的内心毫无波兰:LYour VPS is hosted in a shared environment and at this moment, there may be temporary congestion on the 1Gbps network port.
You may experience fluctuations in network performance. We kindly request you to recheck the network status after a while, as we anticipate that the congestion will be alleviated soon.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as we work to enhance the overall network experience. If you have any specific concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation. 早点丢。传家宝不是了 早点丢掉吧,这家的行为太灵了 楼主是洛杉矶机房吗?纽约机房没事。:lol 水牛城啊,几M的小文件都能发送失败,服了 都说他家网络不行,一堆人头铁。 三色图了解一下 早点丢 ccs不是一直都这样吗