我看到这个新闻的第一反应是,难道老干妈的冤案就这么被破了? 17年的时候,曾经有一个外国的测评媒体测评了老干妈和德芙等不少食品,后来认定老干妈中含有矿物油成分,被列为致癌,不推荐系列。 我查了下当时的资料,说测出来了矿物油饱和烃(MOSH)和多环芳烃化合物(PAHs)。 这两种成分都是矿物油中比较多的,另外矿物油中还含有矿物油芳香烃 (MOAH)和一些可能存在的重金属杂质,比如铅、镉、汞等,可能在生产过程中混入。 当时我记得大家讨论的还在想是不是矿物油饱和烃(MOSH)是作为像是某些食品接触材料(如包装材料、脱模剂等)的成分混进老干妈里的。没想到这个深度调查给大家打开了新世界的大门啊,有没有可能当时也是因为矿物油和食用油混装的车辆造成的污染呢?这种完全没有监管,完全靠老板良心的事情,真的是最近才出现的吗?
https://www.zhihu.com/question/660511510/answer/3552423761 你这种傻逼死完了,中国人的好日子就来了 在国内买进口橄榄油还好,毕竟海关能拦截大部分问题产品,但是不要对欧盟食品有任何侥幸,人家几百年前就给食用油掺毒了
A small-scale sampling of organic and non-organic olive oil brands in France found that 23 of 24 samples contained contamination from plasticizers and mineral oil hydrocarbons.
对法国有机和非有机橄榄油品牌进行的小规模抽样发现,24 个样品中有 23 个含有增塑剂和矿物油碳氢化合物的污染。
The outbreak of toxic oil syndrome took place in Spain in 1981. It was attributed to the consumption of rapeseed cooking oil that had been denatured with 2% aniline (phenylamine).
Symptoms ranged from lung failure and limb deformation to the destruction of the body's immune system. Many survivors were crippled for life.
In an article entitled "Dirty Gold" in the October issue of its magazine "test", Stiftung Warentest reports on the results of a study of "native extra" olive oil. Besides other quality shortcomings, the testers also detected plasticizers in some of the samples examined. Four substances were analysed, including the one most frequently used for this purpose, diethyl hexyl phthalate, in short DEHP and diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP). Up to now, the cause of the contamination has not been identified
在其杂志“测试”的十月刊上题为“肮脏的黄金”的文章中,Stiftung Warentest报告了一项研究结果 “本地额外”橄榄油。除了其他质量缺陷外,测试人员还在一些检查的样品中检测到增塑剂。分析了四种物质,包括最常用于此目的的一种,邻苯二甲酸己酯,简称DEHP和邻苯二甲酸二异癸酯(DIDP)。到目前为止,污染的原因尚未确定
Every 3 years, the European Union control programme samples 12 of the most consumed food products, including virgin olive oil. In the latest official test report from 2021, 0.3% of the tested olive oils on the European market contained pesticide residues above the allowed limits.
Around 5,000 liters of the adulterated counterfeit oil was seized in coordinated raids that led to the arrest of 11 people suspected of being part of an international criminal gang.
来自https://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202312/06/WS656fcd25a31090682a5f1a55.html 目前除了父母,都在美利坚,这边食品安全也不是绝对的安全,比如华人就敢改生产日期,所以基本不买什么华人食品,尤其是保质期几个月的,因为海运过来可能都两个月了,改日期有特别的设备,这帮人无底线,在任何国家都这么干。远离华人就对了。
家附近没有进口超市,就网络购买吧。 :)
还好我已润 ,不然听到这种信息真是白发要长几根 建议查查什么是强致癌物,有空去医院肿瘤科转转
看到这新闻还敢给家里备孕的老婆吃吗 看这个帖子才发现这个论坛的润人这么多啊 谢谢大佬建议,华人群体这么。。。
大佬有润的教程吗,请教个 感觉吃饱了没事做,担心这个,小题大做 橄榄油到码头从中石化的油轮上卸货后,一辆中石油的车来把它送到了封装厂,双重buff。:lol:lol