真服了胖子,技术又菜又爱玩,小鸡三天两头挂,小鸡一失联就是一周起步。We cannot load the controls for your service at this time.
This could either mean:
A) It took too long to load.
B) The server controls have been automatically disabled due to an anomoly.
C) The server could be offline, in which case we have already been notified. 你这几号母鸡啊,我这常年在线,没问题啊 没事, 慢慢你就习惯了 你这几号母鸡啊,我这常年在线,没问题啊 在线90天,还好 SEAZ003 你邻居搞事吧 Virmach Florida TPA,在线 99 天。 谁知道这个z003节点啥回事 隔三差五不是维护 就是打不开。 还是绿云稳